We are happy to announce the launch of the “Safe2Say Something” (S2SS) anonymous reporting system. This program, which is mandated under PA state law / Act 44,  teaches students in grades 6-12, teachers, and administrators how to recognize warning signs and signals, especially within social media, of individuals who may be a threat to themselves or others and Say Something to a trusted adult OR use its anonymous reporting system. Specifically, the program educates participants to:

  • Recognize the signs and signals of at-risk behaviors – especially within social media
  • Take every sign and signal seriously; act quickly to get help by talking to a trusted adult OR
  • Report it anonymously through the S2SS Office of the Attorney General 24/7 Crisis Center, phone app, or website (more details below)
  • Respond to and manage the submitted tip via a school-based multi-disciplinary educator and administrator teams

Important Links

Letters About the Program Previously Sent to Families

  • Click here to view the introductory letter
  • Click here to view the rollout plan for the program at MaST II sent out on September 25, 2019

Resources for Families and Students

  • Click here to view the Safe2Say Something Homepage.  This contains all information about the program.
  • Click here to view the quick-reference brochure explaining how the program works
  • Click here to view the comprehensive parent/guardian presentation explaining how the program works

Directions for Students


If you see something, say something.  Submit a tip without being named. We’ll make sure the right people know. That’s it.

  1. Report an anonymous tip to the Crisis Center at the PA Office of the Attorney General through any one of the options listed below.
  2. You may be ask a few questions to understand what’s going on.
  3. Within seconds, the right people will be notified

How it Works and How to Submit a Tip

Step 1

Submit an anonymous tip by doing any one of the 3 options below:

  1. Call the tipline at 1-844-SAF2SAY
  2. Use the Safe2Say Something website submission form
  3. Use the mobile Safe2Say Something App available for Apple and Android devices found here

Step 2

All calls and tips received by the 24/7 crisis center at the PA Office of the Attorney General

  1. A crisis center analyst receives and reviews tip information
  2. The tip is triaged and categorized as either life safety or non-life safety
  3. The tip is then sent to school officials and  law enforcement (as needed) via text, email, and/or phone call  within seconds

Step 3

School officials & law enforcement intervene and help individual(s)

  1. School officials and law enforcement (as needed) act immediately to investigate, assess, and intervene with reported at-risk individuals
  2. At-risk individuals receive the help they need BEFORE they ever get to the point of hurting themselves or others
  3. School officials report their outcomes into the Safe2Say Something platform and close out the tip, ensuring accountability for every tip submitted